So I am supposed to make a mad lib game that randomly fills the empty spaces with the type of word that is required there. I have a txt file that contains pre determined words such as:
noun cat
noun pencil
noun chair
adjective smelly
adjective tall
adjective short
verb run
verb sharpen
verb talk
I need to read these and sort them into different character arrays (NOT C++ STRINGS, BUT RATHER C-STYLE CHARACTER ARRAYS). I'm guessing I should be using fstream so I can redirect the standard input to this file and so that it can read it. There is also 3 pre-determined stories, the only thing the user is prompted for is which story they want to fill out. It is important to note that the user will not be inputing any verbs, adjectives, or nouns. A little help with the design would be nice but I really need help with the syntax for retrieving the words from the txt file and filling them in character arrays (which I am sure should be 2 dimensional).