My Linked Array ADT Keeps crashing.
Mar 14, 2017 at 6:58pm UTC
So, I've been struggling with this assignment for a while.. At first I thought I had the issue solved when I was finally able to get the thing to compile, but now it crashes after the dummy test.. I tried getting some help from my friend, but I think that further messed up my code.. Any help on figuring out what is up would be most helpful!
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#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template <class myUnit>
class LinkedArray
public :
template <typename T>
struct Node
T data;
Node *here;
int key;
bool inUse;
Node():data(T()), key(-1), inUse(false ), here(NULL){}
static myUnit dummy;
/// end here
virtual ~LinkedArray();
LinkedArray(const LinkedArray<myUnit> & copy);
myUnit operator [](int index) const ;
myUnit & operator [](int index);
int CAPACITY() const {return CAP;}
int Size() const {return size;}
bool containsKey(int index) const ;
void DeleteKey(int index);
void Clear();
vector<int > Keys() const ;
LinkedArray<myUnit> & operator =( const LinkedArray<myUnit> & copy);
private :
Node<myUnit> * begin;
Node<myUnit> * end;
int CAP;
int size;
void del();
void Copy(const LinkedArray<myUnit> & copy);
template <class myUnit>
myUnit LinkedArray<myUnit>::dummy = myUnit();
template <typename myUnit>
:begin(NULL), end(NULL), CAP(0), size(0){}
template <typename myUnit>
LinkedArray<myUnit>::LinkedArray (const LinkedArray<myUnit> & copy)
:begin(NULL), end(NULL), CAP(0), size(0){ Copy(copy);}
template <class myUnit>
template <class myUnit>
LinkedArray<myUnit> & LinkedArray<myUnit>::operator =( const LinkedArray<myUnit> & copy )
if ( this != © )
return *this ;
template <typename myUnit>
myUnit LinkedArray<myUnit>::operator [](int index) const
if (index < 0 || index > CAP)
return dummy;
Node<myUnit> *const *prePtr = &begin;
while ( *prePtr != NULL && (*prePtr)->key < index)
prePtr = &((*prePtr)->here);
if ( *prePtr == NULL)
return dummy;
else if ( (*prePtr)->key > index)
return dummy;
return (*prePtr)->data;
template <class myUnit>
myUnit & LinkedArray<myUnit>::operator [](int index)
if (index < 0)
return dummy;
if (index >= CAP)
if (end == NULL)
begin = end = new Node<myUnit>;
end->here = new Node<myUnit>;
end = end-> here;
end->key = index;
end->inUse = true ;
CAP = index+1;
return end->data;
Node<myUnit> ** prePtr = &begin;
while ( (*prePtr) != NULL && (*prePtr)->key < index)
prePtr = &((*prePtr)-> here);
Node<myUnit> *aNode = NULL;
if ( (*prePtr)->key > index)
aNode = new Node<myUnit>;
aNode->key= index;
aNode->here = *prePtr;
*prePtr = aNode;
aNode = *prePtr;
if ( aNode->inUse == false )
aNode -> inUse = true ;
return aNode->data;
template <typename myUnit>
void LinkedArray<myUnit>::Copy (const LinkedArray<myUnit> & copy)
Node<myUnit> * cPtr = copy.begin;
Node<myUnit> * iPtr = NULL;
while (cPtr != NULL);
if (cPtr == copy.begin)
begin = new Node<myUnit>;
iPtr = begin;
iPtr -> here = new Node<myUnit>;
iPtr = iPtr -> here;
iPtr->inUse = cPtr->inUse;
iPtr->key = cPtr->key;
if (cPtr == copy.end)
end = iPtr;
cPtr = cPtr->here;
size = copy.size;
CAP = copy.CAP;
template <class myUnit>
bool LinkedArray<myUnit>::containsKey(int index) const
if (index <0 || index>= CAP)
return false ;
Node<myUnit> const *nPtr = begin;
while (nPtr != NULL && nPtr->key < index)
nPtr = nPtr->here;
if (nPtr != NULL)
if (nPtr->key == index)
if (nPtr->inUse==true )
return true ;
return false ;
template <typename myUnit>
void LinkedArray<myUnit>::DeleteKey(int index)
if (index >= 0 && index < CAP)
Node<myUnit> *nPtr = begin;
while (nPtr != NULL && nPtr->key < index)
nPtr = nPtr->here;
if (nPtr != NULL && nPtr->key == index)
if (nPtr->inUse == true )
nPtr->inUse = false ;
template <typename myUnit>
void LinkedArray<myUnit>::del()
Node<myUnit> * point = begin;
while (begin!=NULL)
begin = begin->here;
delete point;
point = begin;
begin = end = NULL;
CAP = size = 0;
template <class myUnit>
void LinkedArray<myUnit>::Clear()
Node<myUnit> * nPtr = begin;
while (nPtr!=NULL)
nPtr -> inUse = false ;
nPtr = nPtr -> here;
size = 0;
template <typename myUnit>
vector<int > LinkedArray<myUnit>::Keys() const
vector<int > keys;
Node<myUnit> const *nPtr = begin;
while ( nPtr != NULL)
if ( nPtr->inUse == true )
nPtr = nPtr->here;
return keys;
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#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "LinkedArray.h"
using namespace std;
template <typename myUnit>
ostream & operator <<(ostream & os, const LinkedArray<myUnit> & list)
vector<int > keys= list.Keys();
int size = keys.size();
for (int x = 0; x < size; x++)
os << "[" << keys[x] << " , " << list[keys[x]] << " ]" ;
if ( x < size-1)
os << " , " ;
return os;
double randVal(int maxV=100)
return (double )(rand()%maxV) * rand() / RAND_MAX;
int randInd(int MAX=100) /// randomly populate 3
return rand()%3 == 0 ? - rand()%MAX : rand()%MAX;
void populate( LinkedArray<double > & list, int popCap = 8)
for (int x = 0; x < popCap; x++)
list[randInd()] = randVal();
void print( int line = 2)
for (int x = 0; x < line; x++)
cout << " ~~ " ;
cout << endl;
int main()
cout << "Setting dummy to 333.555" << endl;
LinkedArray<double >::dummy = 998.9;
cout << "Dummy currently is : " << LinkedArray<double >::dummy << endl;
LinkedArray<double >::dummy=999.9;
LinkedArray<double > testOne;
const LinkedArray<double > &testTwo = testOne;
LinkedArray<double > testOneCopy(testOne);
const LinkedArray<double > &testTwoCopy = testOneCopy;
cout << "testOne size check : " << endl;
cout << "testOne array size is : " << testOne.Size() << endl;
cout << "testOne CAP is : " << testOne.CAPACITY() << endl;
cout << "Test [ ] " << endl;
for (int x = 0; x<5; x++)
int index = randInd();
double val = randVal();
cout << "testOne[" << index << "] = " << val << endl;
cout << "Size after : " << testOne.Size() << endl;
cout << "CAP after : " << testOne.CAPACITY() << endl;
cout << "Overwriting check " << endl;
cout << "testOne[5] = 55 " << endl;
testOne[5] = 55;
cout << testOne;
cout << "Size & CAP : " << testOne.Size() << " | " << testOne.CAPACITY() << endl;
cout << "testing operator and populate function." << endl;
LinkedArray<double > testThree;
const LinkedArray<double > &testThreeCopy = testThree;
cout << "testOne Size & CAP : " << testOne.Size() << " ~~ " << testOne.CAPACITY() << endl;
cout << "testTwo Size & CAP : " << testThree.Size() << " ~~ " << testThree.CAPACITY() << endl;
cout << "Testing = : " << endl << endl;
cout << "testOne Size & CAP : " << testOne.Size() << " ~~ " << testOne.CAPACITY() << endl;
cout << "testTwo Size & CAP : " << testThree.Size() << " ~~ " << testThree.CAPACITY() << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Clear() test " << endl;
cout << "testOne Size & CAP : " << testOne.Size() << " ~~ " << testOne.CAPACITY() << endl;
cout << testOne << endl;
cout << "After Clear()..." << endl;
cout << "testOne Size & CAP : " << testOne.Size() << " ~~ " << testOne.CAPACITY() << endl;
cout << testOne << endl;
Mar 14, 2017 at 7:43pm UTC
I suggest you go back and add braces to all of your control statements. Your indentation, in several places suggest that you intend to have more than one line in the statement body:
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template <typename myUnit>
vector<int > LinkedArray<myUnit>::Keys() const
vector<int > keys;
Node<myUnit> const *nPtr = begin;
while ( nPtr != NULL)
if ( nPtr->inUse == true )
nPtr = nPtr->here; // Is this supposed to be part of the if() body?
return keys;
And you really shouldn't be using a semicolon to indicate empty while bodies:
while (cPtr != NULL);
Also note that you should no longer be using NULL in C++, prefer nullptr (added for C++11).
Lastly your indentation is really horrible. You really need to consistently use a decent indentation style.
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