expected unqualified-id before '}' error on LinkedArray
Mar 13, 2017 at 4:50pm UTC
I'm trying to create a header for my LinkedArray class and I keep getting this error.. I can't pinpoint the issue, so any help would be great. Usually when it's this type of error, it's just a small thing I'm missing that would fix the code, I'm hoping that is the case here!
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#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template <class myUnit>
class LinkedArray
public :
template <typename T>
struct Node
T data;
Node *here;
int key;
bool inUse;
Node():data(T()), key(-1), inUse(false ), here(NULL){}
static myUnit dummy;
/// end here
virtual ~LinkedArray();
LinkedArray(const LinkedArray<myUnit> & copy);
myUnit operator [](int index) const ;
myUnit & operator [](int index);
int CAPACITY() const {return CAP;}
int Size() const {return size;}
bool containsKey(int index) const ;
void DeleteKey(int index);
void Clear();
vector<int > Keys() const ;
private :
Node<myUnit> * begin;
Node<myUnit> * end;
int CAP;
int size;
void del();
void Copy(const LinkedArray<myUnit> & copy);
template <class myUnit>
myUnit LinkedArray<myUnit>::dummy = myUnit();
template <typename myUnit>
:begin(NULL), end(NULL), CAP(0), size(0){}
template <typename myUnit>
LinkedArray<myUnit>::LinkedArray (const LinkedArray<myUnit> & copy)
:begin(NULL), end(NULL), CAP(0), size(0){ Copy(copy);}
template <class myUnit>
template <class myUnit>
LinkedArray<myUnit> & LinkedArray<myUnit>::operator =( const LinkedArray<myUnit> & copy )
if ( this != © )
return *this ;
template <typename myUnit>
myUnit LinkedArray<myUnit>::operator [](int index) const
if (index < 0 || index > CAP)
return dummy;
Node<myUnit> *const prePtr = &begin;
while ( *prePtr != NULL && (*prePtr)->key < index)
prePtr = &((*prePtr)->next);
if ( *prePtr == NULL)
return dummy;
else if ( (*prePtr)->key > index)
return dummy;
return (*prePtr)->data;
template <class myUnit>
if (index < 0)
return dummy;
if (index >= CAP)
if (end == NULL) begin = end = new Node<myUnit>;
end->next = new Node<myUnit>;
end = end-> next;
end->key = index;
end->inUse = true ;
CAP = index+1;
return end->data;
Node<myUnit> ** prePtr = &begin;
while ( (*prePtr) != NULL && (*prePtr)->key < index)
prePtr = &((*prePtr)-> next);
Node<myUnit> *aNode = NULL;
if ( (*prePtr)->key > index)
aNode = new Node<myUnit>
aNode->key= index;
aNode->next = *prePtr;
*prePtr = aNode;
aNode = *prePtr;
if ( aNode->inUse == false )
aNode -> inUse = true ;
return aNode->data;
template <typename myUnit>
void LinkedArray<myUnit>::Copy (const LinkedArray<myUnit> & copy)
Node<myUnit> * cPtr = copy.begin;
Node<myUnit> * iPtr = NULL;
while (cPtr != NULL);
if (cPtr == copy.begin)
begin = new Node<myUnit>;
iPtr = begin;
iPtr -> next = new Node<myUnit>;
iPtr = iPtr -> next;
iPtr->inUse = cPtr->inUse;
iPtr->key = cPtr->key;
if (cPtr == copy.end)
end = iPtr;
cPtr = cPtr->next;
size = copy.size;
template <class myUnit>
bool LinkedArray<myUnit>::containsKey(int index) const
if (index <0 || index>= CAP)
return false ;
Node<myUnit> const *nPtr = begin;
while (nPtr != NULL && nPtr->key < index)
nPtr = nPtr->next;
if (nPtr != NULL)
if (nPtr->key == index)
if (nPtr->inUse==true )
return true ;
return false ;
template <typename myUnit>
void LinkedArray<myUnit>::DeleteKey(int index)
if (index >= 0 && index < CAP)
Node<myUnit> *nPtr = begin;
while (nPtr != NULL && nPtr->key < index)
nPtr = nPtr->next;
if (nPtr != NULL && nPtr->key == index)
if (nPtr->inUse == true )
nPtr->inUse = false ;
template <typename myUnit>
void LinkedArray<myUnit>::del()
Node<myUnit> * point = begin;
while (begin!=NULL)
begin = begin->next;
delete point;
point = begin;
begin = end = NULL;
CAP = size = 0;
template <class myUnit>
void LinkedArray<myUnit>::Clear()
Node<myUnit> * nPtr = begin;
while (nPtr!=NULL)
nPtr -> inUse = false ;
nPtr = nPtr -> next;
size = 0;
Thanks for any help you can provide CPLUSPLUS forums!
Mar 13, 2017 at 4:56pm UTC
1 2
template <class myUnit>
lines 89-90 what is this - a template class / struct / function? you left that out
btw I'm getting another error over here:
63|error: no 'LinkedArray<myUnit>& LinkedArray<myUnit>::operator=(const LinkedArray<myUnit>&)' member function declared in class 'LinkedArray<myUnit>' |
perhaps this dropped out during copy/paste
Last edited on Mar 13, 2017 at 4:57pm UTC
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