lvp programmer help needed

How to program a PIC16F877A using Low-Voltage-Programming Cable (LVP ICSP) using 'Lothar Stolz' Low-Voltage-Programming Cable from

Does it require that the PIC must contain some sort of BootLoader or Firmware.

Can't i just buy a PIC16F877 from market and Program it directly using LVP. Or, does it require additinal steps.

Also what about PIC16F877A and PIC18F4550

Please Help

I just bought a new PIC16F876A and now wish to program it with LVP (Lothar stolz Low Voltage Programmer) and use the folowing circuit and program to test it afterwards.

My Program is:

TRISA = %000000
TRISB = %00000000
TRISC = %00000000
High PORTC.5

for the Low voltage Programming cable and tell me what steps need to followed for programming the brand new PIC16F876A using LVP. ALso, i wish to use the internal RC oscillator.

Please help i am a rookie

thanks in advance
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