Does that mean you want to make your own?
If you don't care about that and only want the end result, you should consider getting a USB RF transmitter and writing your program to control the RF transmitter without any of the hardware stuff.
But otherwise, this is a cool project.
When I start looking for a "proxy microcontroller" that reads commands from the serial port and adjusts the circuity attached to it (like you said), what do I look for in one? |
A microcontroller is just a tiny computer, like this one:
Selecting the one you want is hard to say without planning. It's normally considered a good idea to draw your circuit diagrams before purchasing components. You will be able to select hardware and components once you have a good idea of what your circuit will look like and an idea of the required tolerances and features.
I have my transmitter and receiver and we can assume that there are 6 channels. Would I need to open the transmitter and wire every 'potentiometer' into this proxy microcontroller? |
It's unlikely that opening your remote and attaching your circuit to the components inside the knobs is going to work. It would likely take significant reverse-engineering skills (or third-party knowledge) to successfully reuse your remote. I'd guess it would be much easier to start from scratch -- but you would have to look.
Do I need to make sure the microcontroller can read C++ specifically? |
You need to make sure that the vendor supplies a C++ cross-compiler for the particular series of MCU you're using, yes. C++ compilers are relatively uncommon, C compilers are more common. Almost all vendors provide an assembler at least.
From the questions you're asking, I'm assuming you're a beginner to electronics, and perhaps to C++, too.
I'm lucky enough to go to an excellent school with full electronics laboratories (and lots of helpful students), but if you're a complete beginner and you don't have the required equipment, you're looking at a long, tricky, and potentially expensive project to fly your drone by computer.
This being said: you don't need expensive equipment if you're clever enough. It will just be harder.