Hangman game

You are making a hangman game that the user can play. To represent the hangman character, you can use any symbols you like. Your program will read in an input file that contains a set of themes and a set of words associated with each theme. When the program starts, show the user a set of themes to choose from. Once the user selects a theme, randomly select a word from the theme that your user has to solve. Keep a running tally of the user's score. The input file should be generated by you and submitted with the assignment. As bonus points: you can provide the user with textual hints for the word. For example, if the word is Potsdam, you can tell the user: "A city in update New York named after a German town."

Your program should perform the following:

1. randomly select a word from a specified theme from the input word file
2. inform the user of the number of tries they have
3. ask the user to solve it
4. for every incorrect entry by the user, draw a part on the hangman character
5. for every correct entry by the user, show the letter and its location in the word
6. keep a running tally of the letters selected by the user
7. if the user wins or runs out of tries ask the user if they want to play again
8. repeat the game with a new random word if the user wants to play again, otherwise quit
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