Please help me to coding this question using c++

Case Study : Simulation of an Automated Teller Machine
Consider an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). The ATM have a key-operated switch that will allow an operator to start and stop the servicing of customers. The machine continues running until the operating switches it off. The ATM will service one customer at a time. A customer will be required to insert his ATM card, followed by entering a personal identification number (PIN) as part of validation. The customer will then should be able to perform one or more transactions. At the end of each transaction, the customer is given option to view the update for each successful transaction, showing the date, time, type of transaction, account type and ending balance of the “affected” account(s). Below are the descriptions of the required functions in your program.

1. System Start-up and Shutdown Module
This module is to simulate the switching on/off of the ATM. The system is started up when the operator chooses to turn the operation switch to "ON". Then the servicing of customers can begin. The system is shut down after the operator makes sure that the machine is not servicing any customer, and then turns the operation switch to "OFF". The system will then end.

2. Transaction Session Module
This module is activated after the ATM is switched on. A session is started when a customer inserts an ATM card (or any input as an indicator to substitute the card). If the card is invalid, a notification should be displayed and the session ends. In the case of valid card inserted, customer is asked for the PIN, and is then allowed to perform any transactions, choosing from a menu of transactions. After each transaction, the customer is asked whether he/she would like to perform another. When the customer is through performing transactions, his/her session ends. If a transaction is aborted due to too many invalid PIN entries (up to three times of tries), the session is also aborted, with the account being suspended. The customer will be notified with a message of the failure and suggesting he/she to contact the bank. The customer may abort the session when entering PIN or while choosing a transaction type in menu.

3. Withdrawal Transaction Sub-Module
A withdrawal transaction asks the customer to choose an account to withdraw (e.g. Saving Account or Current Account), from a menu of possible accounts, and to choose an amount from a menu of possible amounts, in multiple of 10. The program then verifies that the account has sufficient money to satisfy the request before cashing out the money and update the account balance. If amount is insufficient, the customer is informed and asked to re-enter a desired amount. The customer will then be given the option if he/she wanted to print the withdrawal receipt. Upon closing, the module will return to Transaction module.

4. Transfer Transaction Sub-Module
A transfer transaction allows a customer to transfer funds between own accounts, by asking the customer to choose the transfer account (e.g. Saving Account or Current Account), the receiving account, and the transfer fund. Only accounts belong to the same PIN is displayed on the screen. Transfer cannot be made from and into the same account. As in withdrawal, sufficient amount for transfer should be verified. No further action is required once the transaction is approved before printing the receipt. Upon closing, the module will return to Transaction module.

5. Inquiry Transaction Sub-Module
An inquiry transaction asks the customer to choose a type of account to inquire about from a menu of possible accounts. The balance of inquired account will be displayed on the screen. No further action is required once the transaction is approved before printing the receipt. Upon closing, the module will return to Transaction module.
Based on the above case, each group is required to develop the mentioned items as listed in the submission requirement below using modular programming method.

We will not do your homework for you. You need to make an attempt at your own work and then ask questions when you get stuck.

Post the code you have so far and tell us what you don't understand, and we can help you figure out what to do next.

Since you have provided nothing, I will give you the simplest of advice. Your program begins as follows:

int main()
    // your code goes here
closed account (18REwA7f)
Case Study : Simulation of an Automated Teller Machine
Consider an Automated Teller Machine (ATM). The ATM have a key-operated switch that will allow an operator to start and stop the servicing of customers. The machine continues running until the operating switches it off. The ATM will service one customer at a time. A customer will be required to insert his ATM card, followed by entering a personal identification number (PIN) as part of validation. The customer will then should be able to perform one or more transactions. At the end of each transaction, the customer is given option to view the update for each successful transaction, showing the date, time, type of transaction, account type and ending balance of the “affected” account(s). Below are the descriptions of the required functions in your program.

1. System Start-up and Shutdown Module
This module is to simulate the switching on/off of the ATM. The system is started up when the operator chooses to turn the operation switch to "ON". Then the servicing of customers can begin. The system is shut down after the operator makes sure that the machine is not servicing any customer, and then turns the operation switch to "OFF". The system will then end.

2. Transaction Session Module
This module is activated after the ATM is switched on. A session is started when a customer inserts an ATM card (or any input as an indicator to substitute the card). If the card is invalid, a notification should be displayed and the session ends. In the case of valid card inserted, customer is asked for the PIN, and is then allowed to perform any transactions, choosing from a menu of transactions. After each transaction, the customer is asked whether he/she would like to perform another. When the customer is through performing transactions, his/her session ends. If a transaction is aborted due to too many invalid PIN entries (up to three times of tries), the session is also aborted, with the account being suspended. The customer will be notified with a message of the failure and suggesting he/she to contact the bank. The customer may abort the session when entering PIN or while choosing a transaction type in menu.

3. Withdrawal Transaction Sub-Module
A withdrawal transaction asks the customer to choose an account to withdraw (e.g. Saving Account or Current Account), from a menu of possible accounts, and to choose an amount from a menu of possible amounts, in multiple of 10. The program then verifies that the account has sufficient money to satisfy the request before cashing out the money and update the account balance. If amount is insufficient, the customer is informed and asked to re-enter a desired amount. The customer will then be given the option if he/she wanted to print the withdrawal receipt. Upon closing, the module will return to Transaction module.

4. Transfer Transaction Sub-Module
A transfer transaction allows a customer to transfer funds between own accounts, by asking the customer to choose the transfer account (e.g. Saving Account or Current Account), the receiving account, and the transfer fund. Only accounts belong to the same PIN is displayed on the screen. Transfer cannot be made from and into the same account. As in withdrawal, sufficient amount for transfer should be verified. No further action is required once the transaction is approved before printing the receipt. Upon closing, the module will return to Transaction module.

5. Inquiry Transaction Sub-Module
An inquiry transaction asks the customer to choose a type of account to inquire about from a menu of possible accounts. The balance of inquired account will be displayed on the screen. No further action is required once the transaction is approved before printing the receipt. Upon closing, the module will return to Transaction module.
Based on the above case, each group is required to develop the mentioned items as listed in the submission requirement below using modular programming method.

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