Any smart person can help on this code??

Description: Create and test a series of simple functions.
Notes: Parameters and Arguments are the same thing Sample output
Name: Ted
Major: Electrical Engineer
Function Testing Program
Enter your name here:​ (Ted)
Welcome Ted!
1 - Monday
2 - Tuesday
3 - Wednesday
4 - Thursday
5 - Friday
6 - Saturday
7 - Sunday
Please enter the number of a day (1-7)​: (5)
So today is Friday!
Please enter a string:
​(This message will repeat three times)
Please enter how many times it should repeat:​ (3)
This message will repeat three times
This message will repeat three times
This message will repeat three times
Please enter two integers: (​8 9)
Of 9 and 8, 9 is larger.
Please enter x1: ​(5)
Please enter y1: ​(5)
Please enter x2: ​(10)
Please enter y2: ​(10)
The distance is 7.0710
Parameters and Arguments are the same thing

No, they're not. An argument is the value bound to a parameter, a variable.

Anyways, have you made an attempt?
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There are a lot of great forums on here that can help you with code for different parts of your program. However, just as mbozzi said have you try to code any of this? Is there certain problems you need help with?
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