HELP!! 20 char in 2 array without pressing enter twice

Can some one help me with this program ??

i basically found in my older bother's C++ quizzes

the question is :

Create a Program that will ask the user to enter 20 Characters. The Characters must be stored in 2 "arrays. Therefore, there should be 10 Char" for each Array.The program must display all the Char" from the first declared array to next. After all the values inside both arrays, The program must display all the "Char" in inverse .From the last character entered by the user in the second array to the first char entered in the First Array...

Please help me T_T
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Can some one help me with this program ??

i basically found in my older bother's C++ quizzes

the question is :

Create a Program that will ask the user to enter 20 Characters. The Characters must be stored in 2 "arrays. Therefore, there should be 10 Char" for each Array.The program must display all the Char" from the first declared array to next. After all the values inside both arrays, The program must display all the "Char" in inverse .From the last character entered by the user in the second array to the first char entered in the First Array...

Please help me T_T

I can help you with the program if you want.

From the last character entered by the user in the second array to the first char entered in the First Array...

Have you finished this part yet?
not yet T_T im lost in that part
Can your make a it a program im having difficulties in the 2 array part
Can your make a it a program im having difficulties in the 2 array part

What do you mean?
i don't know the code that i will put in the prorgam
Show us an attempt. Can you read 20 characters into just one array?
idk, ill input 20 char and the program will divide it into 2 arrays 10 char in each array
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