C++ Class function and vectors

Hello everyone, currently I am taking a C++ class and we have an assignment based on the class and vectors function. I'm having a difficult time figuring out exactly how to set up the coding for this assignment and would appreciate any help that you could give? Down below I will post the assignment prompt for you to look at. I appreciate any response, thank you.

LinAppleSoft has asked you to create a Cookbook app, a handy tool for people to write down their favorite recipes! 

The app will start with the following question.
"Hello, would you like to [A]dd a recipe or [L]ist your current recipes."
If the user chooses L, simply list out the recipes you've created so far in the following format:

Recipe Name
Recipe Info


- Instruction 1
- Instruction 2
- Instruciton 3

Sample Output:

Apple Pie
Golden Apple Pie, the way grandma used to make it.

- Peel and slice apples.
- Mix 3 Tbsp of sugar and half cup of flour into apples
- Grease pie tin with shortening
- Apply pie crust to pan
- Add apple filling
- Cover with pie crust dough
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- Cook for 35 minutes
- Let it cool before serving

If the user chooses A, take the following input from the user.

Enter the recipe name:
Enter the recipe information:

Add a new recipe instruction, or enter [X] to finish instruction list:
Continue looping through and asking the user for more recipe instructions until they give an X to finish. The user should be able to add an indefinite number of instructions.
The app should be able to store an indefinite number of recipes. (Don't worry about saving them to a file yet. We'll learn about this very soon.)
Create a Recipe class to hold the recipe information in Recipe objects.
Store the Recipe objects in a vector<Recipe> variable to make it simple to list all recipes.
Store recipe instructions in a vector<string> variable to make it simple to list instructions.
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LinAppleSoft has asked you to create a Cookbook app, a handy tool for people to write down their favorite recipes!

The app will start with the following question.
"Hello, would you like to [A]dd a recipe or [L]ist your current recipes."
If the user chooses L, simply list out the recipes you've created so far in the following format:

Recipe Name
Recipe Info


- Instruction 1
- Instruction 2
- Instruciton 3

Sample Output:

Apple Pie
Golden Apple Pie, the way grandma used to make it.

- Peel and slice apples.
- Mix 3 Tbsp of sugar and half cup of flour into apples
- Grease pie tin with shortening
- Apply pie crust to pan
- Add apple filling
- Cover with pie crust dough
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- Cook for 35 minutes
- Let it cool before serving

If the user chooses A, take the following input from the user.

Enter the recipe name:
Enter the recipe information:

Add a new recipe instruction, or enter [X] to finish instruction list:
Continue looping through and asking the user for more recipe instructions until they give an X to finish. The user should be able to add an indefinite number of instructions.
The app should be able to store an indefinite number of recipes. (Don't worry about saving them to a file yet. We'll learn about this very soon.)
Create a Recipe class to hold the recipe information in Recipe objects.
Store the Recipe objects in a vector<Recipe> variable to make it simple to list all recipes.
Store recipe instructions in a vector<string> variable to make it simple to list instructions.

Have you finished the task 3?
Are you looking for help or assistance?
I need help. I haven't been able to start much because I'm not sure how to set it up and lay it out. Also, I don't know how to create an array that can store an infinite number of items.
Are you using pseudocode and flow charts in your class? This is where I would start. Pen and paper is best to plot it out. Break your code into segments that can be handled mostly independent of each other. The hints tell you pretty clearly how to handle the big parts. Try coding a skeleton with stubs that return simple phrases to let you know they are working and build from there.
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