Can someone help me please?

The Registrar of Don Mayon University has been experiencing problems in generating updated report of
their Admitted Students during Registration/Enrolment periods. It is for this reason that the faculty
members from their College of Computer Studies (CCS) consulted to address the problem.
Upon series of meetings conducted, it came to the decision of developing a computer-based system that
will be mainly utilized for the encoding/processing of all admitted students of their university.
Task: Consider yourself as the chosen professional that will be assigned to develop the system for the
University Registrar. One major part of initial stage of development is to come-up with the Data
Entry Module for Student Admissions.
Your task is to create a simple data entry scheme for the admitted students of Don Mayon
University with the consideration of the following Coding and Structure Definition below:
struct StudAdmission {
char StudNo[9]; char Lastname[20]; char Firstname[20];
char Middlename[20]; char Gender; char Birthdate[8];
char Address[126]; char ContactNo[11]; char SchoolFrom[50];
float GWA; float MathGWA; float EnglGWA;
float SciGWA; int ExamScore; int InterviewScore;
int College; char Program[15];
Coding: Code College
101 College of Fisheries
102 College of Arts and Sciences
103 College of Computer Studies
104 College of Hospitality Management and Tourism
105 College of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
106 College of Criminal Justice Education
107 College of Teacher Education
108 College of Business, Management and Accountancy
College of Fisheries
Code Program
BSF Bachelor of Science in Fisheries
BSFEd Bachelor of Science in Fishery Education
BSAFBM Bachelor of Science in Agro-Fishery and Business Management
College of Arts and Sciences
BSPsycho Bachelor of Science in Psychology
College of Computer Studies
BSIT Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
BSCS Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
College of Hospitality Management and Tourism
BSHRM Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
BST Bachelor of Science in Tourism
College of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics
BSFT Bachelor of Science in Food Technology
BSND Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
College of Criminal Justice Education
BSCrim Bachelor of Science in Criminology
College of Teacher Education
BSE Bachelor of Secondary Education
BEEd Bachelor of Elementary Education
College of Business, Management and Accountancy
BSA Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
BSBA Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

 Student Number (StudNo) must be auto-generated
 Generation of Various Reports (e.g. Admissions per College)
 Menu Choices (Add, Edit, Delete, Search, Report, etc.)
 Inclusions of Data Entry for College and Program
 Dynamic Memory Allocation
 Option of designing your own user screen
Can someone help me please?

What part of the program are you doing now?
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