Any good books that teaches card games?

Hey everyone, does anyone know of any winAPI books out there that teaches how to develop simple card games like Solitaire perhaps? I want to create my own collection of card games especially games like Solitaire as it helps me improve in data structure and algorithm. If there's any book you know of that teaches how to makes these sort of games, please let me know about it, and also if there's websites, I'll gladly have a glance at those as well. :)
Do you play the Solitaire a lot?
There is a Solitaire game written in C++. You can use it to write your own.
I do from time to time, it's quite a relaxing game. Thanks for that link, any chance I can have that in WinAPI though? I don't think I'm competent enough to find my way throughout Win32 programming without at least a frame of reference or a guide (a book or a website).
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General Win API tutorial
Comes even with a tutorial for card games

Classic book about Windows programming

closed account (E0p9LyTq)
An oldie, but still good for bare bones WinAPI/GDI game programming:

Sams Teach Yourself Game Programming in 24 Hours

The book doesn't have any card games, but adapting the graphics to a card game shouldn't be all that difficult.

Updating the GDI graphics to GDI+ or Direct2D could be a good learning experience.
Thanks guys, I created a solitaire game in WinAPI, took me couple of days but I've done it all thanks to your recommendations. :)
@Maima Van Persie
Can you share your solitaire game? I would like to see it.
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