Hangman game giving multiple errors. Please HELP

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void PlayWordBot();
string secretPhrase();
string VisiblePhrase(string Secret);
void Clearscreen();
string lettersPicked;
void PrintDisplay();
string input();
int failsRemaining;

int main()


void PlayWordBot()
string secretphrase = secretPhrase();
string visiblePhrase = VisiblePhrase(secretphrase);


string secretPhrase()

string myanswer;

cout << "Enter a word, phrase or a sentence: " << endl;
getline(cin, myanswer);

for (int i=0; i < myanswer.length(); i++)
return myanswer;

string VisiblePhrase(string Secret)

for (int i=0; i < Secret.length(); i++ )


if(Secret[i] == ' ')

cout << ' ' ;

else if (ispunct(Secret[i]))

cout << Secret[i];
Secret[i] = '-';
cout << "_" ;

return Secret;

void Clearscreen()
for(int i =0; i < 50; i++)
cout << " " <<endl;


void PrintDisplay()

string myanswer;
string visiblePhrase;
string useranswer;
string lettersWrong;
int failsRemaining = 8;

cout << "=====================================" << endl;

cout << endl;

while (failsRemaining > 0 && visiblePhrase != secretPhrase)

if (secretPhrase[i] == myanswer[0])
change ++;

if (change == 0)
failsRemaining --;
lettersWrong += myanswer;

change = 0;


cout << "Guess remaining" << failsRemaining << endl;

cout << "Guess a letter" << endl;

char guessletter(string useranswer);

while (true);

if (guessletter.length() > 1)

cout << "Type one letter" << endl;
cin >> guessletter;
else if (isalpha(guessletter())
cout << "I meant letter." << endl;

Its hard to read your code on the form you paste it :( try using Code format

try using
[ code ]
your code
[ /code ]
without the spaces.

it should look something like this...
cout << "This should work :) " << endl;

Edit it and ill try my best on helping :)
What @Phone98 said, but I read through your code and er... For the most part it's very incomplete. All you've done is ask for help. I don't think anyone wants to write a hangman program for you. Perhaps you could be more specific in what you want us to help you with?
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