number systems

closed account (oz8kSL3A)
Number systems are

ten thousands
hundred thousands
ten millions
hundred millions
ten billions
hundred billions
trillions truthillions is true name
ten trillions
hundred trillions
ten killions
hundred killions
trillkillions called quintillions
ten trillkillions
hundred trillkillions
ten sintillions
hundred sintillions
sentillions sending data
ten sentillions
hundred sentillions
hillions eight number types
ten hillions
hundred hillions
ten nintillions
hundred nintillions

there's no way trillions called truthillions is a terra related to terraforming
terra is rightful rightful always truthful eternal

terra is way above nintillions basic naming systems

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closed account (oz8kSL3A)
you can jump from thousands to millions by 1000 x 1000 but you have to manage the ten thousands and hundred thousands from the 1000 basis

1000 normal numbering
1024 computer numbering system due to binary valuing

so a thousands times a thousand is a million
a million times a million is a billion
a billion times a billion is a trillion
a trillion times a trillion is a killion
a killion times a killion is a trillkillion sometimes called a quintillion trillkillion tk-421 star wars

a trillkillion times a trillkillion is a sintillion
a sintillion times a sintillion is a sentillion
a sentillion times a sentillion is a hillion
a hillion times a hillion is a nintillion

these are the number basis not matter how high the digits go when multiplied

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