The assignment: Single Linked List (SLL)
Design and code your own single liked list to hold a list of integers using forward method. Use the C++ “struct” data structure to create your nodes. It should include the main program and one function each list operations. The operations on the list should include:
My first issue: Am I supposed to have separate functions for each operation? I know how to make an add function, insert function, delete function, and print function, but how do I make one function for each of these operations?
void insert(int); //inserts a integer at the end of the list
void print(); // prints all elements in the linked list
void Delete(int); // deletes node at POSITION
int main()
head = NULL; //empty list;
int n; // ask the user for a position
int amount, amount2, val;
cout << "How many Values will be in your list? ";
cin >> amount;
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
cout << "Enter a Value: ";
cin >> val;
cout << "Enter a Position: ";
cin >> n;
Delete(n); // calls function to delete postion
print(); //print list
return 0;
void insert(int num)
node* temp = new node(); //allocates space for a temp node
temp->data = num;
temp->next = NULL; //node will point to the end of the list
if (head == NULL)
head = temp; //if the list is empty, temp now becomes the first node
node* temp2 = head; // node points to the head node
while (temp2->next != NULL)
temp2 = temp2->next; // temp2 stores the address of the next node
temp2->next = temp; //temp2 now points to temp1
void Delete(int pos)
node* temp1 = head;
//if deleting fist node
if (pos == 1)
head = temp1->next; //points to whatever the first node pointed to
delete temp1; // deallocates temp 1
for (int i = 0; i < pos - 2; i++)
temp1 = temp1->next; //temp1 points to the pos-1 node
node* temp2 = temp1->next; //nth node
temp1->next = temp2->next; // points to the pos+1 node
delete temp2; //deallocates memory allocated through new