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struct LandDetails
{ // declaring a class
string Surname, OtherNames, LandNum, KraPin, OwnerIdCard, address, LandCounty,
LandDist, LandDiv, Landloc, LandSubloc;
//function will read a file into a vector, a line is searched that
//correspond user input, the record found is modified by a string,
//the file so modified is passed to another vector and written
//back to file. The function is doing, but appends the record at
//end of file (duplication of record), how do i modify the
//function to overwrite that record only and leave the other
//records intact ?
void modify_record();
LandDetails openner;
return 0;
LandDetails obj;
std::fstream inFile("Lands File.txt"); //open text file in read mode
std::cout << "Please enter the individual's Surname whose Land you want to search " <<
std::getline(cin, obj.Surname);
std::cout << "Enter owner KRA pin\n";
getline(cin, obj.KraPin);
std::string::size_type found;
std::vector < std::string > old_file; //will hold old file being read to memory
std::vector < std::string > modified_data; //will hold modified file containing
string new_line = "Registrar : Transferred"; //a string that will be added to line
std::string line = "";
if (!inFile) {
std::cout << "File not opened\n";
while (std::getline(inFile, line)) { //reading file line by line into a string variable
} //reading into a vector container
for (size_t i = 0; i < old_file.size(); i++) { //searching for the record through the file already in memory
if ((found = line.find(obj.Surname, 0))
&& (found = line.find(obj.KraPin, 0) != string::npos))
std::cout << "\n" << obj.
Surname << " of KRA Number " << obj.KraPin <<
" record found with the following details: \n\n" << line << '\n';
//after record is found, it is concatenated with the string value
line = line + "," + new_line;
modified_data.push_back(old_file[i] + line); //am including the modification
ofstream writer("Lands File.txt", ios::app); //if i omit the ios::app flag, everything gets overwritten and only
// the rectified record is written to file----advise since i wont remove this flag
if (!writer) {
cout << "Failed to open file for writing";
for (size_t j = 0; modified_data.size(); j++) {
writer << modified_data[j] << endl << endl;
} //then writing back everything to file