A program to check gift card balances?

So I work for a company who gifts people with different type of gift cards l, depending what the customer choses after the purchase. Now my duty is to check if the gift cards were redeemed or not(or if it still has balance) currently I'm doing all manually by coping the gift code and pasting on the gift cards providers website but they have millions of codes to check. So I came up with the idea of building a program that can do that for them, but I don't know where to start or how? (Talking in languages terms) I currently know c++, Java, Python, and objective C. I know I might need to know a network language too since I'll have to use to url so the program can send the code check and print the balace or whatever is the result. Any help would be gladly appreciated.
Hey not bro I just want ideas how to start not someone to do it all for me
Try writing some pseudo-code.
Do you bring your code with you?
Well the code will just take the numbers on the array and also be able to take many numbers at once and separate them either by n numbers(depending on the amount of numbers of each gift card) or when found a space it will be assigned on the next element position of the list. Then once the numbers are in the list each element will be checked on a url (url of the giftcards company) and then copy the results (balance) and print them on the screen
Can you tell us sth. about the workflow?
What data do you get and how go you get it? What exactly do you do?
Would you like to create a desktop app or more a web project?
Which ever is easier. As long as it works but since I don't have web experience I guess I'll start with a desktop program.

Alright so the gift card codes I have them. The program will take all of them at once and separate them every n amount of numbers or every time it founds a space. Then the program will use the following website to check each gift card code and copy the results.
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Sounds like a straight forward process.
You need to read the gift card number from the file,
post the number to the website and get the balance from the website and save it to a file.

I have never used python but it could be the right topic for you - forget the sign in and out.

Another alternative would be using the WebBrowser control in C++/CLI - if you have Visual Studio
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