Ising 2D with Metropolis Algorithm


at the moment i am writing my Bachelor theses about Montecarlo simulation for the 2D Ising Model with the Metropolis algorithm.
But my code does´t work. and i can´t finde my mistakes.
my measurement values are very far away from the analytical results.
Please help me to find my mistakes.
I am thankful for any advice and help.

//Ising_2D mit Metropolisalgorithmus

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include <random>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

const int Nx = 20; //Spins in direction x
const int Ny = 20;
const int N2 = 400; // all Spins
int MCSteps = 10000; // number of Metropolis Steps
const int k_B = 1; // Boltzmann constant
const int B = 0; //magnetic field
const int J = +1; // ferromagnetic coupling
const int mu = 1; //permeability
double beta; // invers temperatur
double T; // temperatur
int s[Nx][Ny]; //spin
int li[N2] , lj[N2] , ri[N2] , rj[N2]; //spin neightbours
int i; //spin position in direction x
int j; // spin position in direction y
double dE; // energy difference (E_new - E_old)
double E; // energy
double Cv; //specific heat
double a_Cv; // analytical results specific heat
double sus; // susceptibility
double a_sus; // analytical results susceptibility
double tprob; // transmission probability
double rprob; // random probability betwenn 0 and 1
double mag; // magnetisation
double med_mag; // mean magnetisation
double med_mag2; // mean squared magnetisation
double med_E; // mean energy
double med_E2; //mean squared energy
int count1; //counter
int count2; //counter

//generates an inital spin
//configuration randomly spin up (+1) spin down (-1)
void Initialisierung () //inizialisation

// random start +1 oder -1

{ random_device seed;
mt19937 engine(seed());
uniform_real_distribution<double> values(0.0, 1.0 );
for(int i=0; i<Nx; ++i)
for(int j=0; j<Ny; ++j)
if(values(engine)<0.5) { s[i][j] = 1;}
else { s[i][j] = -1;}

//cout<<"starting position:"<<s[i][j]<<'\n';


// measurement of the magnetisation
double Magnetisierung() // magnetisation
int Magnetisierung = 0;
for(int i =0; i<Nx; i++)
for(int j=0; j<Ny; j++)
Magnetisierung += s[i][j];
return Magnetisierung;

//measurement of the energy
double Energie() // energy

int sumN =0;

for(int i=0; i<Nx; i++)
for(int j=0; j<Ny; j++)
mag += s[i][j];
int ri = i == Nx-1 ? 0 : i+1;
int rj = j == Ny-1 ? 0 : j+1;
sumN += s[i][j] * (s[ri][j] + s[i][rj]);

return -(J*sumN + B*mu*mag);
//One of N2 spins is choosen randomly
//defines next neightbours
//implement periodic boundarys
//makes one metropolis step
void OneMetropolisStep()
random_device seed;
mt19937 engine(seed());
uniform_int_distribution<int> value1(0, Nx);
int i = value1(engine);
uniform_int_distribution<int> value2(0, Ny);
//cout <<"i:"<<i<<'\n';
int j = value2(engine);

// nearest neightbours
int li;
li = Nx-1;
else li = i-1;

int ri;
if(i == Nx-1)
ri = 0;
else ri = i+1;

int lj;
lj= Ny-1;
else lj = j-1;

int rj;
if(j == Ny-1)
rj = 0;
else rj = j+1;

mag = Magnetisierung();
E = Energie();

//mag= N2*s[i][j];
//E=-J*(s[i][ri]*s[j][rj]) - B*mu*mag;


dE = 2*J*s[i][j]*(s[ri][j] + s[li][j] + s[i][rj] + s[i][lj]) - 2*mu*B*s[i][j];



mag= mag+2*s[i][j];
{ random_device seed;
mt19937 engine(seed());
uniform_real_distribution<double> values(0.0, 1.0 );
rprob= values(engine);
if (rprob<=tprob)

mag = mag;




// N2 Metropolis Steps
// magnetisation per spin
// energy per spin
void oneMetropolisStepPerSpin()
for (int i =0; i<N2; i++)

mag = mag / N2;
E = E / N2;


int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
for(count1=0; count1<MCSteps; count1++)
for (T=0.1; T<=5; T+=0.1)
{cout << " Temperatur: " << T << '\n';
beta = 1/(k_B*T);

med_mag =0;
med_E =0;
med_mag2 =0;
med_E2 =0;

int MM = int(0.4* MCSteps); //perform thermalization steps to let the system come to equilibrium
for(int count1=0; count1< MM; count1++)
{ oneMetropolisStepPerSpin();

med_mag += mag;
med_mag2 += mag*mag;
med_E+= E;
med_E2 += E*E;



Cv=(med_E2-med_E*med_E)/(T*T); //specific heat
sus=N2*(med_mag2-med_mag*med_mag)/(T); // susceptibility

// analytical solution:
a_Cv = (k_B* pow(beta, 2)* pow(J,2))/(pow(cosh(beta * J),2));
a_sus = beta*exp(2*beta*J);

cout <<"mean magnetisation "<<med_mag<<'\n';
cout <<"mean energy: "<<med_E<<'\n';
cout <<"mean squared magnetisation :"<<med_mag2<<'\n';
cout <<"mean squared energy: "<<med_E2<<'\n';
cout <<"specific heat: "<<Cv<<'\n';
cout <<"analytical Cv:"<<a_Cv<<'\n';
cout <<"susceptibility : "<<sus<<'\n';
cout <<"analytical sus: "<<a_sus<<'\n';


return 0;


closed account (48T7M4Gy)
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Astoundingly 'your' program runs with the following output. What's wrong with that, looks pretty good to me.

Temperatur: 0.1
mean magnetisation -1.9941
mean energy: -1.99713
mean squared magnetisation :3.98064
mean squared energy: 3.98977
specific heat: 0.12358
analytical Cv:8.24461e-07
susceptibility : 16.8616
analytical sus: 4.85165e+09
 Temperatur: 0.2
mean magnetisation -2
mean energy: -2
mean squared magnetisation :4
mean squared energy: 4
specific heat: 0
analytical Cv:0.00453958
susceptibility : 0
analytical sus: 110132
 Temperatur: 0.3
mean magnetisation -2
mean energy: -2
mean squared magnetisation :4
mean squared energy: 4
specific heat: 0
analytical Cv:0.0564178
susceptibility : 0
analytical sus: 2619.24
 Temperatur: 0.4
mean magnetisation -2
mean energy: -2
mean squared magnetisation :4
mean squared energy: 4
specific heat: 0
analytical Cv:0.166201
susceptibility : 0
analytical sus: 371.033
 Temperatur: 0.5
mean magnetisation -2
mean energy: -2
mean squared magnetisation :4
mean squared energy: 4
specific heat: 0
analytical Cv:0.282603
susceptibility : 0
analytical sus: 109.196
 Temperatur: 0.6
mean magnetisation -1.99999
mean energy: -1.99999
mean squared magnetisation :3.99998
mean squared energy: 3.99996
specific heat: 5.55278e-07
analytical Cv:0.369541
susceptibility : 3.33167e-05
analytical sus: 46.7194
 Temperatur: 0.7
mean magnetisation -1.99996
mean energy: -1.99991
mean squared magnetisation :3.99983
mean squared energy: 3.99966
specific heat: 3.45464e-06
analytical Cv:0.419293
susceptibility : 0.000241825
analytical sus: 24.8739
 Temperatur: 0.8
mean magnetisation -1.99985
mean energy: -1.9997
mean squared magnetisation :3.99941
mean squared energy: 3.99883
specific heat: 9.39527e-06
analytical Cv:0.438148
susceptibility : 0.000751622
analytical sus: 15.2281
 Temperatur: 0.9
mean magnetisation -1.99946
mean energy: -1.99893
mean squared magnetisation :3.99783
mean squared energy: 3.99576
specific heat: 2.73652e-05
analytical Cv:0.43562
susceptibility : 0.00266026
analytical sus: 10.2531
 Temperatur: 1
mean magnetisation -1.99833
mean energy: -1.99673
mean squared magnetisation :3.99334
mean squared energy: 3.98701
specific heat: 6.84484e-05
analytical Cv:0.419974
susceptibility : 0.00738527
analytical sus: 7.38906
 Temperatur: 1.1
mean magnetisation -1.99717
mean energy: -1.99454
mean squared magnetisation :3.98871
mean squared energy: 3.97832
specific heat: 0.000100447
analytical Cv:0.397188
susceptibility : 0.0125325
analytical sus: 5.60059
 Temperatur: 1.2
mean magnetisation -1.99417
mean energy: -1.98873
mean squared magnetisation :3.97679
mean squared energy: 3.95527
specific heat: 0.000162504
analytical Cv:0.371194
susceptibility : 0.0220648
analytical sus: 4.41208
 Temperatur: 1.3
mean magnetisation -1.98948
mean energy: -1.98004
mean squared magnetisation :3.95817
mean squared energy: 3.92101
specific heat: 0.000255354
analytical Cv:0.344415
susceptibility : 0.0408614
analytical sus: 3.58263
 Temperatur: 1.4
Last edited on
> My measurement values are very far away from the analytical results.
Can you please show us "the analytical results"?
the analytical results are behind the measurements in the program.

the analytical result for the specific heat is in my program called "analytical Cv".
and the analytical result for the susceptibility is called "analytical sus".

Sorry that i posted this in both forums. But I did´t know where to post it.

Thank you for your help.
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