I have thousand binary files in a remote server. with a lot of information in each of them. every thousands file is in a zip folder.
I should go to each file and extract special parts:
In each file after string "NW RM" there are a lot of numerous data. after 5 lines I require the 2 lines data and I should pass the next 2 lines and look for the next 2 lines which again will be after 5 lines. I look for to see any non-zero values in thoes 2 lines to store them. each line in a separate array.
If anyone could help, I have some questions about it, and I really appreciate your response in advance:
1-As the size of each file is high(about 700MB), should I copy the whole content of each file to analyze it? Or I can one by one go and only grab those parts that I want and store them in 2 arrays.
2-I write a program to go and find the "NW RM" but How I can say pass lines or should I say pass characters?