Tic Tac Toe Troubles!

Hello all!

I am having trouble with my Tic Tac Toe console game. I have the user enter which row/column they want to place their piece, although on coordinate (1, 3) it places a piece there, but also at coordinate (2, 1). This also happens vice versa and at (2, 3) and (3, 1). Here is the code (it is no where near complete, I just need to resolve this issue before I can move forward).


#include "GameSystem.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
GameSystem gamesystem;

return 0;



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class GameSystem

void instructions();
void updateBoard();
void playGame();
int chooseSpot();
char processMove();
int resetInput();

char _boardArr[2][2];
bool _xTurn;
bool _oTurn;

bool _isDone;
int _row;
int _column;


#endif // GAMESYSTEM_H


#include "GameSystem.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

_isDone = false;
_xTurn = true;

_boardArr[0][0] = ' ';
_boardArr[0][1] = ' ';
_boardArr[0][2] = ' ';

_boardArr[1][0] = ' ';
_boardArr[1][1] = ' ';
_boardArr[1][2] = ' ';

_boardArr[2][0] = ' ';
_boardArr[2][1] = ' ';
_boardArr[2][2] = ' ';

void GameSystem::instructions()
cout << "\t\tWelcome to Tic Tac Toe!\n\n";
cout << "X goes first, then O" << endl;
cout << "Choose at which place to put the piece by entering the row and column" << endl;
cout << "Try to get three in a row (diagonally, horizontally, or vertically)" << endl;

void GameSystem::updateBoard()

cout << " |-1-|-2-|-3-|\n"
<< "1-|-" << _boardArr[0][0] << "-|-" << _boardArr[0][1] << "-|-" << _boardArr[0][2] << "-|" << endl
<< "2-|-" << _boardArr[1][0] << "-|-" << _boardArr[1][1] << "-|-" << _boardArr[1][2] << "-|" << endl
<< "3-|-" << _boardArr[2][0] << "-|-" << _boardArr[2][1] << "-|-" << _boardArr[2][2] << "-|" << endl;

//Main function that plays the game
void GameSystem::playGame()
while(_isDone == false){

//Chooses spot
int GameSystem::chooseSpot()

if(_xTurn == true){
cout << "Player X's turn\n" << endl;

cout << "Choose row: ";
cin >> _row;
if(_row > 3 || _row < 1){
cout << "INVALID INPUT!" << endl;
cin >> _row;

cout << "Choose column: ";
cin >> _column;
if(_column > 3 || _column < 1){
cout << "INVALID INPUT!" << endl;
cin >> _column;

return _row;
return _column;

if(_oTurn == true){
cout << "Player O's turn\n" << endl;

char GameSystem::processMove()
_boardArr[_row - 1][_column - 1] = 'X';
return _boardArr[_row - 1][_column - 1];

_boardArr[_row - 1][_column - 1] = 'O';
return _boardArr[_row - 1][_column - 1];

int GameSystem::resetInput()
_row = 0;
_column = 0;

return _row;
return _column;

Sorry if the code is a little messy or not that straightforward :P (I'm sure there are worse).

Thanks everyone in advance!
You have an out of bounds problem:

char _boardArr[2][2]; // Only indexes 0/1 are allowed

change the board to

char _boardArr[3][3]; // Only indexes 0/1/2 are allowed
Thanks so much! Sorry for the lack-of-tabbing-over: it wouldn't let me post the code like it should be :P. Again, thanks for the help - I didn't know one line of code could fix this issue.

it wouldn't let me post the code like it should be
Use code tags: [code]Your code[/code]
Read this: http://www.cplusplus.com/articles/z13hAqkS/
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