
Just looking through this pseudocode for minimum weight triangulation of a convex polygon... what are they passing in V? I have been trying to implement this in c++ but I just really don't understand.

Triangulate (V)
weight = t (1, n)
print "the weight is" weight

t (i, j)
if i == j then return 0
if memo_t[i][j] != -1 then return memo_t[i][j]
min = infinity
for k in i..j-1 do
x = t (i, k) + t (k+1 (mod n+1), j)
+ cost (<v[i-1 (mod n+1)], v[k], v[j]>)
if x < min then min = x
end for
memo_t[i][j] = min
return min
There isn't enough information given to really tell...
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