hiding user input

how can I hide user input and still stores the input in a variable and later print out on the screen?
This is specific to the terminal being used for user input, which is thus specific tpo your operating system.

#include <iostream>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std; //needed for cout and etc

int main()
cout<<"\nEnter Password : ";
char pass[32];//to store password.
int i = 0;
char a;//a Temp char
for(i=0;;)//infinite loop
a=getch();//stores char typed in a
//check if a is numeric or alphabet
pass[i]=a;//stores a in pass
if(a=='\b'&&i>=1)//if user typed backspace
//i should be greater than 1.
cout<<"\b \b";//rub the character behind the cursor.
if(a=='\r')//if enter is pressed
pass[i]='\0';//null means end of string.
break;//break the loop
cout<<"\nYou entered : "<<pass;
//here we can even check for minimum digits needed
cout<<"\nMinimum 6 digits needed.\nEnter Again";
getch();//It was not pausing :p
goto START;
return 0;
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