class and its implementation.

Can someone please explain every line ? i am having trouble understanding this project. PLease explain atleast till eval vertical function.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;

struct MyGameDef { // professional way to define global enumerable values.
enum Player { Human, Progm, Empty };
Player m_player;
MyGameDef (const Player p) : m_player(p) {}
operator Player() const { return m_player; }

class Cell { // representing a cell of a board.
MyGameDef::Player m_occu; // marked 'Empty', 'Human', and 'Progm'.
Cell() : m_occu(MyGameDef::Empty) {}
void setTurn(const MyGameDef::Player p) { assert(!isOccupied()); m_occu = p; }
bool isOccupied() const { return m_occu != MyGameDef::Empty; }
bool isMe(const MyGameDef::Player p) const { return m_occu == p; }
void erase() { m_occu = MyGameDef::Empty; }
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const Cell& c) {
char mark;
switch(c.m_occu) {
case MyGameDef::Empty: return o << " . ";
case MyGameDef::Human: return o << " o ";
case MyGameDef::Progm: return o << " x ";
default: abort();

class Eval {
int m_conn; // connected to me.
int m_poss; // possible spaces.
Eval(const int c = 0, const int p = 0) : m_conn(c), m_poss(p) {}
bool isConnect4() const { return m_conn >= 3; }
bool isWinning() const { return m_conn == 2 && m_poss >= 1; }
int getValue() const { return m_conn * 2 + m_poss; }
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const Eval& e) {
return o << "(" << e.m_conn << ", " << e.m_poss << ")";

class Turn {
char m_turn;
int m_score;
Turn(const char c = '\0', const int s = 0) : m_turn(c), m_score(s) {}
char getTurn() const { return m_turn; }
int getScore() const { return m_score; }
friend bool operator<(const Turn& lhs, const Turn& rhs) {
return lhs.m_score < rhs.m_score;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const Turn& t) {
return o << "\t--> (" << t.m_turn << ") with score " << t.m_score;

class Board { // represents Connect Four board.
int m_row;
int m_col;
const int m_max; // used to detect tie.
int m_num; // the number of the marks placed.
vector<vector<Cell> > m_map;

Eval vertical(const int r, const int c, const MyGameDef::Player p) const {
int count = 0, possible = 0;
cout << "vertical function not implemented..." << endl;
return Eval(count, possible);
Eval horizontal(const int r, const int c, const MyGameDef::Player p) const {
int count = 0, possible = 0;
bool connected = true;
for (int col = c + 1, saw = 0; col < m_col && saw < 3; ++col, ++saw) { // east direction.
if (m_map[r][col].isMe(p)) {
if (++count > 2) { if (connected) break; }
connected = false;
if (m_map[r][col].isOccupied()) break;
for (int col = c - 1, saw = 0; col >= 0 && saw < 3; --col, ++saw) { // west direction.
if (m_map[r][col].isMe(p)) {
if (++count > 2) { if (connected); break; }
connected = false;
if (m_map[r][col].isOccupied()) break;
return Eval(count, possible);
Eval leftup(const int r, const int c, const MyGameDef::Player p) const {
int count = 0, possible = 0;
cout << "leftup function not implemented..." << endl;
return Eval(count, possible);
Eval rightup(const int r, const int c, const MyGameDef::Player p) const {
int count = 0, possible = 0;
cout << "rightup function not implemented..." << endl;
return Eval(count, possible);

Board(const int r = 6, const int c = 7) :
m_row(r), m_col(c), m_max(r * c), m_num(0) {
vector<Cell> arow(m_col, Cell());
for (int i = 0; i < m_row; ++i) m_map.push_back(arow);
bool isTie() const { return m_num >= m_max; }
bool isValid(const char c, const MyGameDef::Player p) {
int col = c - 'a';
if (col < 0 || col >= m_col) return false;
bool placed = false;
for (int row = m_row - 1; row >= 0; --row) {
if (m_map[row][col].isOccupied()) continue;

placed = true;
m_map[row][col].setTurn(p); break;
return placed;
bool isWon(const char c, const MyGameDef::Player p) const {
int col = c - 'a', row = 0;
for (; row < m_row; ++row) {
if (!m_map[row][col].isOccupied()) continue;

Eval V = vertical(row, col, p); // check vertical line.
Eval H = horizontal(row, col, p); // check horizontal line.
Eval L = leftup(row, col, p); // check leftup diagnal line.
Eval R = rightup(row, col, p); // check rightup diagnal line.
return V.isConnect4() || H.isConnect4() || L.isConnect4() || R.isConnect4();
char findBestMove(const MyGameDef::Player p, const bool show = false) {
cout << "findBestMove function not implemented." << endl;
return char('a' + rand() % 7); // just showing the machine move.
void erase(const char c, const MyGameDef::Player p) {
int col = c - 'a';
for (int row = 0; row < m_row; ++row) {
if (!m_map[row][col].isOccupied()) continue;

m_map[row][col].erase(); break;
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& o, const Board& m) {
o << endl;
for (int col = 0; col < m.m_col; ++col)
o << setw(3) << (char)('a' + col) << ' ';
o << endl;
for (int row = 0; row < m.m_row; ++row) {
o << '|';
for (int col = 0; col < m.m_col; ++col)
o << setw(3) << m.m_map[row][col] << '|';
o << endl;
o << endl;
return o;

int main() {
Board b(6, 7); // traditional size Connect Four game.
while (!b.isTie()) {
cout << b; // showing board status.
cout << "Enter your turn: "; char turn; cin >> turn;
if (turn == '?') { b.findBestMove(MyGameDef::Human, true); continue; }

while (!b.isValid(tolower(turn), MyGameDef::Human)) {
cout << "Invalid input, try again: "; cin >> turn;
if (b.isWon(turn, MyGameDef::Human)) {
cout << "You won :)";
turn = b.findBestMove(MyGameDef::Progm, true);
if (!b.isValid(tolower(turn), MyGameDef::Progm)) {
cout << "Serious error occurred, program cannot continue..." << endl;
if (b.isWon(turn, MyGameDef::Progm)) {
cout << "You lost :(";
if (b.isTie()) cout << "Tied..." << endl;
cout << " Final board is" << endl << b << "Bye..." << endl;
return 0;
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Have the person who gave you this code explain it to you.
the problem is that he never will.

First up, please always use code tags:

Can someone please explain every line ?

Well I think it is up to you to do your own research, have a look at the reference, tutorial, and article material at the top left of this page. If that doesn't work for you, or you are unable to come up with specific questions, then I can only conclude you are out of your depth buddy.
okay i have solved the problem for evla {vertical ,horizontal, leftup and right up } can anyone help me with the following?

char findBestMove(const MyGameDef::Player p, const bool show = false) {
cout << "findBestMove function not implemented." << endl;
return char('a' + rand() % 7); // just showing the machine move.

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