Error opening an old VC7 solution

I'm trying to compile the following code:

#include "SocketLib/SocketLib.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace SocketLib;

int main()
ListeningSocket lsock; // the listening socket
DataSocket dsock; // the data socket
char buffer[128]; // the buffer of data
int size = 0; // size of data in the buffer
int received; // number of bytes received

lsock.Listen( 5098 ); // listen on port 5098
dsock = lsock.Accept(); // wait for a connection

dsock.Send( "Hello!\r\n", 8 );

while( true )
// receive as much data as there is room for
received = dsock.Receive( buffer + size, 128 - size );
size += received;

// process "Enter" characters
if( buffer[size - 1] == '\n' )
// print out the size of the string
std::cout << size << std::endl;

// send the string back to the client
dsock.Send( buffer, size );

// reset the size
size = 0;
return 0;

I'm getting the error:

cannot open source file "SocketLib/SocketLib.h"
name must be a namespace name

The SocketLib.h file is included in the solution and looks like:


#include "SocketLibTypes.h"
#include "SocketLibSystem.h"
#include "SocketLibSocket.h"
#include "Connection.h"
#include "ListeningManager.h"
#include "ConnectionHandler.h"
#include "ConnectionManager.h"
#include "SocketLibErrors.h"
#include "Telnet.h"


I got this error when opening the solution (keep in mind this was created in 2003 on VC7):

"Due to the requirement that Visual C++ projects produce an embedded (by default) Windows SxS manifest, manifest files in the project are now automatically built with the Manifest Tool. You may need to change your build in order for it to work correctly. For instance, it is recommended that the dependency information contained in any manifest files be converted to "#pragma comment(linker,"<insert dependency here>")" in a header file that is included from your source code. If your project already embeds a manifest in the RT_MANIFEST resource section through a resource (.rc) file, the line may need to be commented out before the project will build correctly."

Can someone explain to me what this means?
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