Sorting Arrays

Hi, everyone. I need help with my exam here.
The question is:
You are asked to design, implement, debug, and test an interactive program to create an array of 10 random numbers in the range 0 to 1000. The program should then: (1) Display the array horizontally in evenly spaced columns of size 6. Be sure to include an appropriate label. (2) Call the Bubble Sort function to rearrange the array elements in the ascending order.

Can anyone write out the correct codes for me please? Really appreciated!
Nope. Buzz off.

I can see that you're new here and I'm new too.

But you can't ask people here to write code for you. It doesn't work that way, you can ask for hints on how to do it but you can't ask them to do your work for you.

Cheers man
closed account (48bpfSEw)
@azrije, as you can see he CAN ask to do his job like my boss did! ^^
closed account (48bpfSEw)
Hi Elf00, the first step is to write a recipe in your native language. How would you give orders to your friend to do that? Find out, what you need. Find the correct steps. Then find out how these things are called in c++. Then combine it.
Thanks for telling me, I'm new here. Sorry about this. Have finished this task. Appreciated!
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