We have this assignment form out teacher, a which is a bit confusing towards the end. "Define a class called Money. Your class will have two member variable of type int to represent dollar and cent values. Include all the following member functions: a constructor to set the dollar and cent using two integers as the arguments, a constructor to set the dollar using an integer as an argument (cent=0), a default constructor (dollars=0,cent=0), an output function that outputs the money with $ sign. Embed your class definition in a test program that asks the user to enter two Money values and compare them."
I have done everything it asks, but when it comes to the last bit I cannot figure out how weather to accept 2 dollars/cents inputs and then pass them to two instances of one of the overloaded constructors, but then it ins't clear how I compare the values then. Or weather to just to accept 1 dollar and 1 cent inputs then etc.
From here I don't know how to get the last bit of work. commented out code was previous ideas of how to compare the values/use the different constructor based on user input