Floats are represented in one word ?

What does it mean by floats are represented in one word ?
For a given system, a "word" is the size of variable the processor actually works with. For example, 32 bits, or 64 bits.

If a variable is represented in one word on a given system, then that variable is the size of one word.

If your system has 32 bit words, and a float is represented in one word, then your system uses float variables that are 32 bits in size.
So it has nothing to with the word as english word for example 'W'
Correct. It has nothing to do with that.

Also, 'W' isn't a word. At least, not in English.
Yeah sorry :p. Alphabet. I mean it has nothing to do with word like say for example "cat" but from your previous reply I get that it has nothing to do with that.
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