I have the coding below for an array for characters, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to alter it into a String Array for storing names. Also, it needs a menu having these options: getNames, sortNames, displayNames, findName, removeName. I would appreciate any help at all!
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#include <iostream>
usingnamespace std;
constint SIZE=5;
void getData(char a[], int& s);
void display(char a[], int s);//need to display
int main ()
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char chs[SIZE];
int n;
getData(chs, n);
display(chs, n);
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void getData(char a[], int& s)
cout<<"Enter a character:";
} while ((a[s++] != '0') && (s<SIZE));
if (s<SIZE)
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void display(char a[], int s)
{//for display
for (int i=0; i<s; i++)
cout<< a[i]<<endl;
I'm finding what you want a bit vague. getData is supposed to be your input function? Do you have to use static c-style arrays? This seems like a homework assignment, it'd be better if we better understand what you need to do before trying to help you.
Yes it is a homework assignment, I asked my professor for help but he wasn't too specific. So I'm confused even more. I'm totally new to programming btw.
For clarification, I need to convert the above program into a string array for storing names, by using string name [SIZE]. In line 3, would I used string name [5] or string name SIZE=5?