What is this error?

ld: fatal: symbol 'main' is multiply-defined:
(file /var/tmp//cceZjOcX.o type=FUNC; file /var/tmp//ccYgP5zV.o type=FUNC);
ld: fatal: symbol '_Z4menuv' is multiply-defined:
(file /var/tmp//cceZjOcX.o type=FUNC; file /var/tmp//ccYgP5zV.o type=FUNC);
ld: fatal: file processing errors. No output written to a.out

I have currently received this error and have working some time trying to resolve it. It usually occurs with #including files that aren't necessary but this time its not that.
Would I have to change my main's name? sine I have two mains within my directory. So two functions called "int main(){ }" are being called along with my displays "menu(){ }"?
When I change that main and my menu functions that are being compiled together this error gets thrown:

Undefined first referenced
symbol in file
_ZNK9FBFriends11find_friendERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZNK9FBFriends9is_friendERK6Friend /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriendsC1ERKS_ /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriends4loadERSi /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriends7advanceEv /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriends14remove_currentEv /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZNK9FBFriends8show_allERSo /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriends5startEv /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriends6attachERK6Friend /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriends7currentEv /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriends9bday_sortEv /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriends7is_itemEv /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriends6insertERK6Friend /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriendsD1Ev /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriendsC1Ev /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
_ZN9FBFriends4saveERSo /var/tmp//ccZw5Cqc.o
ld: fatal: symbol referencing errors. No output written to a.out

What in the world is all that?
ld: fatal: symbol 'main' is multiply-defined:
I have two mains within my directory. So two functions called "int main(){ }"

There's your problem (one of them at least).
I made a temp main to test two of my files, once I put the actual main in the directory and tested: g++ *.cc I came up with those errors. Straight up took out the temp main because it was the temp. And got the crazy looking mumbo jumbo above...
Posting your code would be extremely helpful.

Post your code and your build command
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