im totally new to computer programming and really need help with this code. i know lines 3-9 are given but i dont understand the rest. any help will do.
thank you
# include <iostream >
using namespace std ;
int main () {
7 string fourLetterWord ;
cout << "\ nEnter a four - letter word ( keep it clean !): ";
9 while ( cin >> fourLetterWord ) {
if(/* a proper 4 - letter word is entered */) {
11 // Convert each letter of the word to its ASCII value .
// Sum up the values of each byte ( with its power of 2)
13 // and report the summed value .
// loop around to the prompt
15 }
else {
17 // Give an error message and loop around to the prompt
19 }
} /*
21 The ASCII value of E is 69
The ASCII value of R is 82
23 The ASCII value of O is 79
The ASCII value of F is 70
25 If the four bytes of FORE were read as an int , its value would be 1163022150
Enter another four - letter word : */
Use the modulus operator and integer division to reverse the process, taking any 4-byte unsigned integer value and interpreting that as a
four-character word. What problems do you encounter?