Network Programming

I want to learn network programming systematically on windows, but I know very little about it.

Who can recommend some classic books or some learning website!

Beej's guide has seemed consistently popular:
Any More?
You should take a look at cURL: although it doens't offer much in the way of saved work, it does make for easier to read code.

Another option is Boost::Asio: it's kind of overkill for most uses unless you are already including another part of the library. But the success of the suite speaks for itself.

SFML has a networking module that I feel doesn't get enough attention:

If you're committed to using WinSock2 then keep in mind that it's based on Berkeley sockets and even uses the same functions (the ones with no capital letters) so a lot of the tutorials for other systems are still applicable. There are a few oddities, like the "select()" statement being functionally broken in WinSock prior to Vista, but there aren't too many of those issues left in the modern OS releases.
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