[HOMEWORK] Mortgage Application for Loans (from Php 2M to Php 8M)

So we have this basic programming subject that is not much related in our course. Having a little knowledge in dev c++, I find this "take home test" or what I call "my salvation test" (because Im really failing in this subject) difficult and impossible to do on my own. So I'm asking/begging you to do this one for me. And if you have much time you could put designs and other elements that could make this presentable so that my prof would give me a grade that could save me from that red mark.

Please, take a look at this, http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/articles/40071/#msg218019 .
Just like you, we have a live and work to do. If you start working on it and post the code, then we can start to give you pointers, but not the full solution. I do not condone this, but you could post it on the jobs section and offer the money amount that you will pay for the service. Or you can google websites in which you will pay for someone to do your homework ( I do not agree with it, but it is not my place to judge). Nevertheless, give it a try at your homework.

Good luck!
Hi, I've already made the codes working. My problem now is the designs. No idea how to put designs on it. I dont want it to be just a simple black and white program. Thanks!
What kind of program is it - Windows and Console ? If yes have a look here:
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