
Hi, I need to get information about incoming connections and decide whether to Enable. Can I do something in win32?
I need help :).
Yeah, it's called a firewall... Take a look here:

If you're feeling REALLY brave or you just need to inspect the target on a deeper level before saying "Yay" or "Nay" then you'll want to take a look at WFP:

I recommend the first solution since I've used it and I can tell you that it's easy enough to use post Vista.
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Any progress? I wouldn't offer either of these as a solution if I couldn't field any questions that may have come up. Don't get discouraged because it's using COM, COM is just C pretending to be C++ hence all of the indirection. Once you have everything wrapped in a proper C++ class a lot of the ugliness goes away. If you're confused about something please ask.
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