How to return an int from a Node

So I have a program in which I am trying to return the head_ptr or tail_ptr in the form of an int and I'm not sure how to accomplish this. Code is attached below. Thanks guys!


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "list.h"
using namespace std;

void uppercaseify(string& mystr);

int main() {
List mylist;
string operation;
int data;
while (cin) {
cin >> operation;
if (!cin || cin.eof() || operation == "QUIT") {
if (operation == "STATUS") {
cout << mylist.get_list_size() << endl;

if (operation == "PRINT") {
if (operation == "PUSH") {
cin >> data;
if (operation == "POP") {
data = mylist.pop();
cout << mylist.head_ptr<< endl;
if (operation == "SEARCH") {
cin >> data;
if (
cout << "IN LIST\n";
cout << "NOT IN LIST\n";
if (operation == "REMOVE") {
cin >> data;
if (mylist.remove(data))
cout << "REMOVED\n";
cout << "NOT REMOVED\n";
return 0;

void uppercaseify(string& mystr) {
for (auto& c: mystr)
c = toupper(c);

#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "node.h"
using namespace std;

class List {
int list_size;
Node *head_ptr; //Holds newest member
Node *tail_ptr; //Holds oldest member

List() {
list_size = 0;
head_ptr = NULL;
tail_ptr = NULL;
int get_list_size() const { return list_size; }

//Output the list
void print_list() {
if (head_ptr == NULL) {
cout << "EMPTY LIST\n";
Node *temp_ptr = head_ptr;
int counter = 0;
while (temp_ptr) { //Same as saying while (temp_ptr != NULL)
cout << "Node " << counter++ << ": " << temp_ptr->get_data() << end$
temp_ptr = temp_ptr->get_next();

//Write these functions
int pop();
void push(int new_data);
bool search(int test_data);
bool remove (int old_data);


#pragma once

//This Node class is fully functional
class Node {
int data; //Holds the data we're keeping track of
Node *next;
Node() {
data = 0;
next = NULL;
Node(int new_data, Node *new_next) {
data = new_data;
next = new_next;
int get_data() const { return data; }
Node *get_next() const { return next; }
void set_next(Node *new_next) { next = new_next; }


#include <iostream>
#include "list.h"
using namespace std;

//YOU: Write these four functions
//Make sure you handle empty Lists cleanly!

//Deletes the oldest Node inserted, and returns its data value
//The oldest Node inserted should be tail_ptr
int List::pop() {
//List::node *n_tail_ptr;
//n_tail_ptr = tail_prt;
//tail_ptr = tail_ptr->link();// = new List(NULL);
//string tp = &tail_ptr;
int new1; //prototype
int *uno = new int[new1]; //prototype
delete tail_ptr;//delete &tail_ptr;
return ;//List::head_ptr-> data; //tail_ptr;

//Adds a new Node to the end of the list
//The newest Node will be held in head_ptr
void List::push(int new_data) {
head_ptr = new Node(1, head_ptr);
//List *newnode = new List(NULL);

//Returns if a Node containing the passed-in integer is in the list
//True if such a Node exists, false otherwise
bool List::search(int test_data) {
if(list_size)// == List::data)

return true;
return false;

//Removes the newest node containing the passed in integer
//Only remove one Node. Not all of them.
//Return true if any elements removed, false otherwise
//(int old_data)
bool List::remove (int old_data) {
//node *remove_prt;
//remove_ptr = head_ptr;
//head_ptr = head_ptr->link( );
//delete remove_ptr;
return true;

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Read this:

So I have a program in which I am trying to return the head_ptr or tail_ptr in the form of an int
Certainly not. The member data has the type int and that is what you want.

If you create something with new it will have the type node not int.

Something like this:
int new1; //prototype
int *uno = new int[new1]; //prototype 
doesn't make sense.
Any time you change the head or next pointer, there's a good chance that you need to change tail_ptr also. Actually do you even need the tail pointer? I don't see any methods that need it or even benefit from it.
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