Resaving an executable

I have a simple question and hope someone can help me with a simple answer.

Suppose I have a compiled C++ executable called 'running.exe', and run this .exe on my machine and suppose it runs for a long time (i.e., it's a complicated program that takes a long time to finish running). Then suppose I change some things in the .cpp file and compile again, but using the same .exe name 'running.exe'. My question is, will the program that is already running be sensitive to the change in the oversaved .exe since it has the same name? Or does this not matter?
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Unless the program is ridiculously large, probably not. And by ridiculously large, I mean in the order of gigabytes in size.

Normally, the OS will load the entire program into RAM to run it, because it will run faster by getting the instructions from RAM rather than connecting to the hard drive. Of course, if it doesn't fit in RAM, it may be sensitive to changes in the executable file.

Though, why are you overwriting it anyway? Just because it might not matter, doesn't mean it won't. Just save yourself the trouble and call it something like running1.exe.
Thanks for your kind reply. I was curious to know.
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