What else to add to a Sudoku program?

Hi all. I wrote a Sudoku program that shows a graphical representation of the board on screen. Here's what's in the program already..
1. > You move the cursor around the board using the 4 arrow keys.
2. > You can Save and Load game boards.
3. > Program creates a Save directory if one isn't present.
4. > You can create your own puzzle or enter one from a book, etc.
5. > Shows possible numbers that can be inserted in cell.
6. > Rejects duplicate numbers in row, column or 3x3 sectors.
7. > You can let program enter the correct number for cell you are at.
( Only if game is solvable )
8. > Let program fill out entire board. ( Again, only if game is solvable )
9. > You can re-display instructions on screen, and return to game
with the board still intact.

Is there anything that can be added to this game, that will make it more enjoyable? Right now, I can't think of anything, so I figured I'd ask this community. Thanks..

Note: I'm using MS Visual Express 2013, console mode, CLR
This definitely is NOT school works, as I'm 65 years old, and like programming for fun.
Maybe random board generation? That could be quite fun to try and implement, too.
What about difficulty levels and a high scores table?

Maybe random board generation

Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Plus, couple that into @tom221b's suggestion,
difficulty levels



What about difficulty levels and a high scores table?

I think you're referring to the length of time it takes to complete the board, as the high score table?

I like the difficulty levels part, but not the high score table. For one, you could just have the program fill the board, and the time would only be milliseconds. And two, you're not going to fill in the board a second time, so you wouldn't be trying to beat your time in completing it.

Thanks for those suggestions.

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