I'm making the switch from boost::json to jsoncpp, but I am having trouble utilizing jsoncpp to load JSON objects from a .json file. Namely, I do not know how to parse the json file so that its members can be accessed. Here is what I am doing currently:
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Json::Value root;
Json::Reader reader;
std::ifstream file("level_objects/entities.json");
file >> root;
if(!reader.parse(file, root, true)){
//for some reason it always fails to parse
std::cout << "Failed to parse configuration\n"
<< reader.getFormattedErrorMessages();
//set to 30 in file, but constantly returns 0
int width = root["jumper.width"].asInt();
//equivalent code, also returns 0
width = root.get("jumper.width", 30).asInt();
The output reads:
Failed to parse configuration
* Line 1, Column 1
Syntax error: value, object or array expected.
But that can't be right because I know the file is in valid JSON format. I was using the exact same json file with Boost, but Boost was giving me compile times of around a minute (versus 5 seconds with jsoncpp).
Can anybody give me a working example (or correct my code) to save me from the headache of learning jsoncpp's usage when loading from a file?
What exactly do you mean? I expect it to read the whole file, but I don't understand how to use jsoncpp's API in order to access the elements of this file.
Here is the file: multiple online formatters say that this is valid JSON