Decrypting with arrays?

Hey guys, i'm having trouble with one of my c++ assignments.
It's about decrypting a string of letters.

Here is a picture my teacher sketched up:

I must insert a string of letters, see the letters to the left on the picture i linked. They will be inserted in an array and they must this message: "DETTA ÄR KYPTERAT". It's in swedish, and it translates to "THIS IS CRYPTED".

The thing i'm having most trouble with is inserting the the cin into the array.
It HAS to be a CIN in the beginning. Please answer in a simple and understandable as i'm still pretty novice at C++!

Do you have an algorithm for converting "DETTA ÄR KYPTERAT" to "THIS IS CRYPTED"?

That isn't a matter of decryption or arrays, it's something else -- like looking it up via Google Translate or something.
You're going to need to explain the algorithm. The screenshot of the whiteboard is not enough for us to determine how the data is supposed to be encrypted.

As for the problem you mentioned, what exactly is "inserting the cin into the array"? cin is an input stream, and you do not insert it into arrays. Do you mean reading input from cin into an array, perhaps?
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