attribute for culture class

i am creating a culture class,
other than entrance fee,name,what attributes and members function can i add on?
do i need set and return functions?
Yet another shitpost from @mike9407. I think it's the 4th time you ask this same question. Never thought I'd witness a meme in creation.

other than entrance fee,name,what attributes and members function can i add on?
You can add the amount of chips there should be in a bag, and why not how many superheroes should be in the marvel universe while you're at it.

do i need set and return functions

You do not need anything. For the 100th time. You can literally do whatever you want, what part of that can't you understand(serious question)? If you want the user to be able to set values, then make set functions, if you don't want that, guess what, don't make set values. Same with get (return) functions.

Honestly, the best thing you can do for yourself is to pick up a good text-book and start working with it -

I totally recommend A Tour of C++ by Bjarne Stroustrup.
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