XOR cipher

closed account (o9G1T05o)
Write yoXOR cipher is an extremely common data encryption algorithm. A basic Wi-Fi security
system uses a XOR cipher and a swap algorithm for encryption, the exact procedure is given

Step Process Description Example
0 Input Given an original text input ABCDE
1 Reverse Reverse the order of the elements EDCBA
2 Swap Swap (key + 1)th and last element (if key = 0) ADCBE
3 XOR Apply bitwise XOR operation with key (if key = 6) GBEDC

Write a C++ program that encrypts and decrypts a text message using the above procedure with a 6-bit XOR key value of 39 (binary: 100111) and a 2-bit swap key value of 3 (swap 4th and last element). When it is completed, the program should ask the user to enter a text message, encrypts and decrypts it accordingly and then display the results of encryption and

Note: step 1 (reverse) and step 2 (swap) can be applied using reverse and swap
functions, the procedure should be reversed for decryption.ur question here.

Stop asking us to do the coding for you. At least show us an attempt you may have done!
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