Creating graphical apps in C++

Jan 27, 2016 at 11:53am
Hi all,

If we want to create Android and iOS apps and also be able to create Windows apps as well as apps for cross-platform systems like various devices and operating systems like Linux, can we use C++ for all of these? Or can C++ support all of these perfectly?
If so, what is the first step for doing?

Jan 27, 2016 at 11:59am
If you base your graphical app on a certain library (like SDL) then it is actually possible to creates apps for all mentioned platforms.
Jan 27, 2016 at 12:17pm
Not sure about iOS, but Qt appears to fit your bill:

Its use of C++ can appear arcane, but otherwise is a solid bet.
Jan 27, 2016 at 12:25pm
Dear coder, to be honest, I'm really novice. I just have worked on C++ so far. Next few months, I should choose a way for creating graphical apps using C++. I want to choose the best tool that support all of them because I don't want to change my way often for making various apps.

I had some great point in my mind, it is/was Qt. I had heard that Qt is really perfect and mostly used and popular for all of those needs. But there is one problem. The version of Qt that can be used for creating iOS and Android apps is 5, BUT there isn't any book for teaching Qt 5 in a good way because apparently Qt 5 is under development still.
Now I don't know what will be my choice at that near future. :(

About that SDL library, I'm not at that level to perfectly deal with libraries. I just include them (#include <iostream> #include <string> etc) at the head of my console C++ programs on my compiler VS 2012. Of course I'm somewhat familiar with high level matters of C++ like, pointers, classes, templates etc.

Now is still your recommendation that SDL? If so, what book need I to read? I say a book because I just want to learn complicated skills like programming by books not tuts on the web because I think books are more reliable.

Jan 27, 2016 at 1:07pm
Be aware that Qt's license is quite restrictive and the commercial one not so cheap.
Jan 27, 2016 at 2:46pm
When you want Gui (not just graphic) then no, SDL is not your friend.

QT seems to be the only well known framework that supports it.

The problem with books is that they provide only static information while programming is dynamic.
I suggest that you take an example you're interested in and step through it with your debugger in order to understand what happens. Then extend it.
Jan 27, 2016 at 9:37pm
Thomas wrote:
Be aware that Qt's license is quite restrictive and the commercial one not so cheap.

Sorry I don't have any detailed info on Qt and I don't know these. Do you mean the Qt IDE is expensive? Or there is some obstacle in front of me if I program in Qt platform?

coder wrote:
QT seems to be the only well known framework that supports it.

What do you mean by that please? Do you mean it is only the Qt that support all of my needs (mentioned before)?

The problem with books is that they provide only static information while programming is dynamic.
I suggest that you take an example you're interested in and step through it with your debugger in order to understand what happens. Then extend it.

Yes, you may be right. But I want to learn the basics by books and then will contribute in subjects of tuts and websites. Thanks.

Thanks Thomas for that link. I appreciate you. I think I should wait these few months until a complete reference on Qt 5 for beginners will be published. This book seems not be a complete reference nor for absolute beginners of Qt.

Thanks again to all for their helps. :)

Jan 27, 2016 at 9:57pm
Sorry I don't have any detailed info on Qt and I don't know these. Do you mean the Qt IDE is expensive? Or there is some obstacle in front of me if I program in Qt platform?

I am absolutely no expert in legal matters. I just thought you might want to write commercial apps since you need licenses for all the app stores. This post makes me think that there are problems with this LGPL license and distibution. Maybe I just misunderstood.
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