ow do I make a struct of variables/values that can be saved in an array like fashion? Meaning I want to make 10 records of the struct below for example of 10 people's hair color, eye color and age. Do I make an array of struct objects?
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struct foo
int age;
int eye_color;
int hair_color;
int main()
Foo foo
//set a record
foo.age = 45;
foo.eye_color = hazel;
foo.hair_color = brown;
//make 10 new foo records...how to
Then use MyFooData.push_back or emplace_back to put a foo into your vector.
push_back pushes an already created obj onto the vector, while emplace_back constructs a foo obj at the end of the vector. So this means foo needs to have a constructor.
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foo.eye_color = hazel;
foo.hair_color = brown;
int is perhaps not a good type for these, did you mean std::string ?