MySQL and C++

Hello to all,

I have some knowledge on C++ and know that being familiar with MySQL will be a must soon. Now how to learn MySQL please?
I heard that I can learn MySQL from C++ or PHP. So if I'm given an option to choose, I'll choose learning it from C++ because I know nothing about PHP.
Now what is your advice please?
If I want to learn MySQL from C++, what works I need to do please? Should I read some book for it?

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I'd recommend learning MySQL through the MySQL command line tool. Once you know how to put together SELECT and JOIN statements, link across tables and stuff like that then you could consider using MySQL through another language like C++ or Python. But learning the syntax for both the MySQL language and a new API sounds like a recipe for needless frustration.
To get familiar with SQL you might use

It is not that hard. There are basically 4 steps:

- connect
- send qery
- fetch result/error
- disconnect

MySQL offers a lot of tools (like Workbench) for testing. What you need for C++ is MySQL connector/C[++].
Thank you two very much for your guidance.

Whatever I have learnt so far in the computer world has been through books! And for these new stuffs I again like to learn PHP and MySQL using a book. I searched the web and found an apparently good one. That's it: PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites by Larry Ullman.
I have two questions about that book (if you are familiar with it)
1- Is it the book I'm looking for my need?
2- It's of 2012 and now is 2016. Isn't it outdated for nowadays?

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