How to create the equivalent of sub-type

In the Ada programming language, it's possible to declare a type or sub-type, like this:

type DAYS_OF_YEAR is range 1 .. 366;

type PERSONS_AGE is range 0 .. 120;

which in this case means unsigned integers that can only be in the given range.

At run-time, if a variable of that type is ever assigned a value out of its range, an exception is thrown.

What's the best way of implementing something similar in C++ 11?

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It's not part of the standard library, but it seems to be a fan favorite for custom implementations:

ranged_type (2007 Dr.Dobbs article):

bounded_int (a boost candidate from 2008 )

RangeConstrained (some guy's personal 2014 library)

limited controlled vars (part of a larger 2011 library)

bounded::integer from a C++Now 2014 presentation: - hey, this one had the last commit 2 days ago

I am sure you can find a lot more examples
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Thanks Cubbi, your answer was very helpful.

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