Need your help..

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No one here will simply provide you with the code. Our goal is to help you become a better programmer, not to do the homework for you. Please try to write the code yourself. When you get stuck, post the code that you have along with any questions. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, if the code won't compile, then provide the exact error message from the compiler.
Thanks for replying sir..

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So, basically, you're asking us to help your brother cheat at his schoolwork?
No one is going to do it for free. Post it on the jobs section and announce how much are you willing to pay. Oh yeah, giving the answer of the problem assignment without providing the source is plagarism ( but you knew that.). Helping family is not an exception. Good luck
How have I misunderstood you? You want someone to write code for him that he can hand in, so that he can get a score on his assignment that doesn't reflect his own abilities.

How is that not cheating?
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