I need to calculate the integral:
I use gsl library. Unfortunately, the library generates an error. what it might be? maybe I'm not properly convey koofitsenty in integrand?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <gsl_integration.h>
#include <gsl_math.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_sf_pow_int.h>
double q = 120;
double h = 0.1;
int N_0 = 300;
double T = 300;
double plot = 7310;
double e_sub = 2.52;
double m_at = 114 * 1830;
int gam = 3;
int agam = 3;
const double h_pl = 1.05457e-34;
const double k = 1.3806503e-23;
const double m_e = 9.10938188e-31;
double E_sr;
double my_integrand (double x, void *params_ptr) {
// The next line recovers alpha from the passed params pointer
double alpha = *(double *) params_ptr;
double lower_limit = *(double *) params_ptr;
return ((pow(x,alpha-1)*pow(2.71828,-x)));
double NepGamma(double alpha, double lower_limit ) {
gsl_integration_workspace *work_ptr =
gsl_integration_workspace_alloc (1000);
/* start integral from 1 (to infinity) */
double abs_error = 1.0e-8; /* to avoid round-off problems */
double rel_error = 1.0e-8; /* the result will usually be much better */
double result; /* the result from the integration */
double error; /* the estimated error from the integration */
double expected = -0.16442310483055015762; /* known answer */
gsl_function My_function;
void *params_ptr = α
My_function.function = &my_integrand;
My_function.params = params_ptr;
gsl_integration_qagiu (&My_function, lower_limit,
abs_error, rel_error, 1000, work_ptr, &result,
return result;
double functionS(double E_int, void *param_ptr) {
double N1 = *(double *) param_ptr;
double n = *(double *) param_ptr;
double znam1;
double chisl;
double znam2;
double chis2;
znam1 = 2*(N1 * pow(q,2)/(2*m_at)-E_int);
chisl = (44.5466 * pow((E_sr/3),1.5));
znam2 = -3*(N1 * pow(q,2)/(2*m_at)-E_int);
chis2 = 2*E_sr;
return ( (sqrt(znam1)/chisl * exp(znam2/chis2))*1.1283791670955126 * NepGamma(1.5, 1.5*( (e_sub*pow(n,0.6666666666)*0.2)/(E_sr) )) );
double integr2(int N1, int n){
double down_limit = 0;
double up_limit = ((N1+n)*E_sr-h*e_sub*pow(N1+n,0.666));
int max_intervals = 10000;
gsl_integration_workspace * w = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(max_intervals);
double abserr = 0.0;
double rellerr = 1e-8;
/* the result will usually be much better */
double result; /* the result from the integration */
double error; /* the estimated error from the integration */
double expected = -0.16442310483055015762; /* known answer */
gsl_function My_function;
void *param_ptr = &N1;
gsl_function F = {&functionS, 0};
F.params = param_ptr;
gsl_integration_qags(&F,down_limit,up_limit,abserr, rellerr , max_intervals, w, &result, &error);
return result;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
E_sr = ((q*q)/(2*m_at))*27.21;
printf("\n Value Energy med per atom = %lf", E_sr);
printf("\n Test: %e", integr2(1, 1) );
return 0;