dynamic array

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
int *a;
a=new int[10];
a=new int[5];

delete []a;

return 0;
it mean the array size can expand if i create like this?
it mean the array size can expand if i create like this?

arrays are static. Once you create one with size 10 it will stay like this.
If you need a different size you have to create a different array.
a=new int[10];
// Before you create a new array you need to delete the old one first otherwise 
// you will have a  memory leak.
delete []a;
a=new int[5];


Be careful array index is from 0 to size-1. If you try ro access elements outside this range your program will probably crash.
it mean the size of the array can't expand?
it mean the size of the array can't expand?

Correct. You're better off using vectors, if you want a container that can expand to contain more data.
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