I wrote this 2D vector code to receive user input at runtime. Please correct me where it is posting the few errors.

Hello comrades. I wanted to make a 2D table to receive user input strings. There is a part that is not doing. Kindly advise where to correct the mistake.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int main (){
int cols =15;
int i,j,rows;
char reader;

cout<<"How many records do you want to create ?";


std::vector< vector<string> > dynamicArray(rows, vector<string>(cols));

dynamicArray [0][0] = "LR_UNIT_NUMBER";
dynamicArray [0][1] = "NAME_OF_PROPRIETOR";
dynamicArray [0] [2] ="NATIONAL_ID_CARD_NUMBER";
dynamicArray [0] [3] = "ADDRESS_OF_PROPRIETOR";
dynamicArray [0] [3] = "PIN_NUMBER_OF_PROPRIETOR";
dynamicArray [0] [5] = "DATE_LAND_WAS_ACQUIRED";
dynamicArray [0][6] = "DATE_OF_ISSUE_OF_TITLE_DEED";
dynamicArray [0][7] = "LAND_CATEGORY";
dynamicArray [0][8] = "TYPE_OF_OWNERSHIP";
dynamicArray [0] [9] = "COUNTY_LOCATED";
dynamicArray [0] [10] = "DISTRICT_LOCATED";
dynamicArray [0] [11] = "DIVISION_LOCATED";
dynamicArray [0][12] = "LOCATION_LOCATED";
dynamicArray [0][13] = "SUBLOCATION_LOCATED";
dynamicArray [0][14] = "VILLAGE_LOCATED";

for (i=0; i<cols; i++)
cout<<dynamicArray [0][j];

for (i=1; i<rows; i++) {

for (j=0;j<cols; j++){

cout<<"Enter the land details for the said land";
for (i=1; i<rows; i++) {
for (j=0;j<cols; j++){
cout<<"You have entered this data"<<dynamicArray[i][j]<<endl;

system ("pause");

return 0;


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Please tell us what appears to be wrong with your program. You say that only one part is not working, what part?

Please use code tags when posting code!
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