How to reading multiple text file

Hi all

Here is what I want to do:

There are around 200 text files of test results in a folder that I want to read them one by one and extract data that I want.

These file have standard name structure, e.g id + date.

I have searched on this forum, but what they want to do is rather simple, and can be done by storing an array of name manually in code. However, I don't think it is the best way for my application.

I have idea of how the steps should be, but I have no idea how to implement it with C++, so here is what I think I should do

1. Have a function to get a list of the file in the folder
2. Store all these names in an array
3. Using a loop function, reading the text file by fstream with argument from these name array, one by one.
4. Ideally I may do a check before passing the argument into fstream, e.g. if the extension name, the last three characters are not 'txt', then I pass this name.
5. I do whatever I do with this text file as usual
6. When I finish with this file, go back into the loop and start the next one.

And now, what I am struggling, is the very first step, how to get a list of the file name in a folder.

Can anyone give me some ideas please?

Many many thanks.
And now, what I am struggling, is the very first step, how to get a list of the file name in a folder.

What operating system are you using, and how cross-platform do you want the answer to be?
if you know the general name of the files,you may try to get to use a double variabled for loop to set the names of the files in a character pointer string.....

Just on windows 7.


How to use it please? because I am really a newbie.


The id of them can be random, and the date are not continuous, so is hard to use a formula to 'predict the name' and use them.
If you only want this for windows you could use the FindFirstFile / FindNextFile functions, there's an example to work with here:
If you are using Visual Studio 2015 you can use the experimental filesystem header (I'm not sure if MinGW has it yet).
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>

int main() {
	using namespace std::experimental::filesystem;
	path p = "c:/";
	for (const auto& f : directory_iterator(p))
		std::cout << f << std::endl;
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Many thanks, it works very well!!

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