Build errors // Build fail

When i try to debug this project i get the following message:

<img src= alt="error 01">

Then i click yes and then get this:

<img src="" alt="error 02">

Then i click yes to that and get this one with an error bell:

<img src="" alt="error 03">

Then i click ok and nothing happens. I'm following this tutorial:

Obviously i want the same results, it should be opening up a console with a diagnol line. What do i do C plus peeps?
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Looks like you didnt do right when adding glut to your program, since it's not finding it.

Also, that tutorial is ancient. You should learn modern openGL.

This video tutorial on all the basics of modern OpenGL is also great -
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I obviously need help with my html also...
Don't give us screen captures. Give us error messages. For instance in the output window in these images we can see:

... open gl.cpp(37): fatal error C1010: unexpected end of file while looping for precom...

Those are the sorts of messages that are relevant.

If we do a search on that we might even find a solution.
alright thanks for your guys's input. right, i like that guy on that site, reminds me of a teacher when i was a kid. I'll post better next time. You dont like screen captures? come on. What is openGL used for anyway?? Also, is there any html tips i can get from you guys??
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You dont like screen captures?

Yes, we dont.

What is openGL used for anyway??

openGL is a rendering API. You can use it for 3D Applications. Games among other things.

Also, is there any html tips i can get from you guys??

This is a c++ forum, you're joking right?
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